This Weekend Only! Special Events at the Itako Iris Park

This Saturday and Sunday (June 20th and 21st), Itako will hold two special events for the public at the Itako Iris Park.

One of the events is called the Milky Way Iris Bride Ceremony. At this event, hundreds of bright blue LED lights will be placed in the river alongside the iris park. The Iris Bride will then go down the river in the boat. The lights are really beautiful and cast a cool, aqua glow in the night. With these lights, the idea is to place the bride in a river reflecting the stars from the night sky, as if she’s floating through the heavenly sight herself.

Milky Way Iris Bride



The Milky Way Iris Bride send off will commence at 7:00 p.m. (19:00), but be sure to get there early because the crowd gets really big before the event.

Also, we will have a candlelight ceremony called the “Suigou no Akari,” which in English translate to “The Beautiful Riverside Illumination.”


The park will be filled with hundreds of candles inside of cups that have pictures drawn on, wishes/ prayers written on, or people’s names and organizations written to show their support for the event. If you come during the daytime on Saturday, you can have a chance to make your own candle as well! This event will go from 5:30 – 9:00 p.m. (17:30-21:00).

If you are close and in the area, please head on down! I highly recommend these events for couples. This weekend is going to have a really romantic atmosphere, so if you have a special someone and want to do something nice together, Itako is the place to go!

Some Rules about the Park

The park is a no smoking area, but all the restaurants and bars around the park are smoking friendly. However, the City of Itako would like for people not to smoke near the iris flowers because if the flowers catch on fire it will be a big problem. If you do smoke, feel free to do so at one of the nearby establishments, thank you!

Please do not leave trash at the park! The litter is not just unsightly, it also damages the plants, so please take your garbage with you and throw it away. There is a nearby 7 Eleven where you can take your trash or you can take it to Itako Station where there are many trash bins.

Do not touch the Iris Princesses, Staff, or Characters (City Mascots)! We have had a few problems with people in the past inappropriately touching the Iris Princesses and female staff in the past, and so for protection touching us and the ladies is not allowed. If you have children, they are allowed to shake hands and play with Ayame-chan or the other characters at the park, but adults are asked to please not pat or tap on the heads because it can hurt the people inside.

Thank you for your time!

Sports Day!

In Japan, Sports Day is a big event for elementary and junior high schools. In Japanese it’s called an undōkai (運動会), and it’s usually held on a Saturday or Sunday. Most schools that I know do it on a Saturday, at least all of my schools in my area do. Usually, the Sports Day is chosen by the city’s Board of Education, so then all of the schools under that jurisdiction will have Sports Day on the same day. Itako 2nd and Hinode JHS usually have their Sports Day in May/ June. Some schools schedule their sports days during cooler months, but in my area we are in the heat and sun all day long. This year I went to Itako 2nd Junior High School’s Sports Day.

Sports Day is a really important event for the schools. About two or three weeks before, students will practice their chosen sport events (some are chosen by the students and some are considered “traditional” and chosen by teachers at the school). My students would at first just practice for the event during P.E., but a few days preceding Sports Day we had half days devoted to rehearsals for it. Students will have their tamaire to practice for as well as their sports events. Tamaire are performances by the school band and presentations by various school clubs as well as individual and group competitive events.

Students and teacher at the schools will get divided into team colors. My school had red, blue, and yellow. I’m not entirely sure how they divide up the students into each team, but they are grouped together about evenly with students from all three school grades. They will each get about two or three teachers that are their coaches for the Sports Day event. I was on blue team this year because the English teacher in charge of me, Nesaki-sensei, was also on the blue team.


Kanazawa-sensei, the brass band teacher, standing beside the blue team’s sign.


The blue team dragon sign.

The teams compete during the events to collect points through victories. Whichever team has the most points will win a trophy.

And that’s part of one of the reasons the event is important for the students. The parents come to the school to watch their children at the event. As a part of Japanese culture, the children are a reflection of their families, so when the kids win then the whole family wins. The losing teams can get upset, because they feel like they’ve let down their parents, and also their teachers, for not succeeding. However, most parents and teachers just brush it off and tell their kids it’s fine to lose if you tried your best, at least they do at my school.


The yellow team lost this year.


Not even a dragon could save them.

Every team also compete for another trophy: the Best Dance Trophy. Every team memorizes and practices a dance that they must perform in front of family and friends. They get judged by the PTA, the Principal, and others for who did the best show. The kids enjoy this part the best, I think, because it can be a lot of fun to choose the music and the dance moves together. This year, the red team won the best dance.

Some of the sport events for Itako 2nd were the running relay, the three legged race, tug-of-war, an obstacle course, and the “grab the color” game where boy students put a smaller boy on their shoulders. All the boys are wearing helmets, and they try to grab a colored piece of fabric off another boy’s helmet. This event terrifies me, because without fail every year someone falls and gets hurt.


Students doing a kind of obstacle course race.


See?! Kids be fallin’ all over the place.

Sidenote: If you’re wondering why the faces are covered, it’s because I’m actually not legally allowed to show pictures of my students online, as in blogging, Facebook, or any kind of social media. I can only do it if their faces are unrecognizable and their names on their shirts not seen. High school ALTs can usually take pictures and post them wherever and no one cares, but most elementary and junior high schools forbid it. They are trying to prevent possible perverts from tracking down the kids in the pictures. If you’re an ALT at those levels, be sure to ask permission before you post any and all pictures of your students as you could get into a huge amount of legal trouble if you don’t.

This year, the blue team won! We made it through with the most points and even did a victory lap. I was exhausted at the end, but it was all good fun. This makes it the fourth year for the blue team to win. Let’s see if they’ can keep it up next year!


“Everybody” Knows Me: The Pros and Cons as a Small Town Celebrity

When I first appeared in Itako, people gawked, stared, and even took some not so discreet pictures with their keitai (cell phones). I felt like I was on display in a zoo some days, with everyone talking about me in whispers here and there and everywhere. Thankfully nowadays everyone knows who I am, or if they don’t know who I am they know at the very least that I’m a teacher living in the city, the weird looks and double takes have decreased significantly. Still, the small town celebrity status can be really interesting to live, but other times it can be a bit stressful.

I love that all of my students know who I am. I walk home every day through throngs of cute little elementary school kids shouting, “Jessica-sensei! Hello!” I wave back and smile as I respond, “Hello! How are you?” They repeat back to me, “How are you?” because they don’t actually know what it means just yet. It’s so cute! I walk on by and head home. Home for me is scant minutes away from where I work at the junior high school. I live right across from the elementary school. On the weekends, I wake up to the sound of children laughing and playing instead of an alarm clock. It makes me smile when I get up to start the day.

When I go to my local grocery store these days no one really gets shocked to see me anymore. Some people will even ask me how I’m doing as I walk around the aisles. Sometimes I will run into my JHS students with their parents, which can be fun or super awkward depending on how the parents and students react to seeing me. On the other hand, it can be really fun to get the chance to talk with the people in my community, and even sometimes discover some of them actually learned English in university way back when.

Because of my small town celebrity status, sometimes I get discounts or service things done for me. When I went shopping for groceries at a nearby market at the Michi-no-Eki, a lady recognized me as a teacher and an Ayame Musume (Iris Princess) from last year so she gave me some free strawberries. I could lie and say that I didn’t eat them all at once, but lying is wrong, so yeah. Also, at a sweets shop I once bought a huge package of variety sweets for the men at Hinode JHS because it was Valentines Day and women at the office always give the male teachers sweets. The ladies at the store loved me for buying that much and also recognized who I was, so they threw in two ichigomochi (strawberry rice cakes) for free. I could once again pretend I didn’t those in one sitting…but I’d be lying.

Sometimes I even get complete strangers coming up to me. It was rather shocking to me when an older lady asked me straight up, “So you’re the American ALT? Jessica, yes? My name is ______ and I lived in Hawaii for many years. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” I was so shocked it actually took me a minute to respond, for one reason because of her amazing English ability, and for another having known exactly who I was. I think I gave a half-hearted response like, “Oh, nice to meet you, too.” and then we moved onto some small talk.

And that’s one of the small problems of being a small town celebrity. Everyone knows who you are, and that means even people you don’t want to know anything about you. This problem can even be a bit dangerous. When I first got to Itako I went through a little bit of a scary situation with a man who followed me around a bit, kind of stalking me but not to my apartment or anything. Then, my predecessor Lauren told me that he’d done the same to her too and he did in fact know where I lived. That freaked me out a bit, so to this day my door is always locked up tight and my windows as well. He’s not bothered me for some time so I think he’s lost interest, but as you can imagine the dangers of a woman living alone in a foreign country by herself sometimes hit me hard and that was one of those times.

On a less dramatic note, because people know me they will report me if they think that I’m doing something “untoward” or “not benefiting of a teacher.” Many an ALT living in the inaka (countryside) areas of Japan will speak of a similar experience like mine, wherein a mother of a student told the school that I was drinking too much at a summer festival event during summer vacation. This was ridiculous for two reasons: 1) It was the summer vacation, and thus she had no right to tattle and 2) I was drinking with the principal of my school. A train attendant once called the school on me because I was heading off to Mito for a business trip and he thought I was skipping school. I was abolsutlely floored when my JTE informed me with a laugh, thinking it was funny. Meanwhile, I was flabbergasted that he actually phoned my school like I was some wayward child.

As a side note, in my town the train attendants do call up the schools if they see a junior high school student walking around outside of school. They will even approach the skippers and try to talk them to go back to school. It’s not that often that students miss school at the JHS level, but it does happen. High schoolers don’t fall under this strange system since attendance isn’t mandatory for them.

The fact is ALTs living in a small town should expect to be on constant surveillance. No where is safe from the peering eyes of the gossiping mother hens, and we will feel the weight of their gazes judging our movements no matter how slight the movement.

Due to the watchful eyes of the citizens of my community, I haven’t dated much in Itako because I felt too exposed to do it. News of something juicy like that spreads faster than a wildfire, and it doesn’t help that every man I’m seen with in public is automatically assumed to be my boyfriend/husband. I have several friends in and around the area that are guys, and on the weekends I hang out with them sometimes. It’s not unexpected for me to go to work that following Monday or Tuesday to have cute little inquiries about who I was seen with that weekend.

Another problem I face happens when I go clothes shopping. When I got here I brought over some clothes, but I soon realized I couldn’t just walk around in sweat pants and sneakers like I did in college. With everybody staring at me, I couldn’t blend in with the crowd in a frumpy outfit, and besides that I knew all of my clothes were old anyway. My wardrobe got revamped to a more nice selection with nice shirts and t-shirts with some cute pants or skirts instead of just blue jeans. Even though I’m a woman so I should stereotypically love shopping, I don’t, especially if I have to do it by myself. I can shop with other people and enjoy it because there are other people to distract me from the fact that everyone is staring at me as I shop and try things on. I know I should just shrug it off and continue onwards, but it’s a really weird experience to come out of a dressing room and everyone’s heads turn to stare at the new thing I’m wearing. I know I’m not really exposing anything, but dammit people let me change clothes in peace!

And dear Lord, the gym. I go workout at the Kashima Fitness Center two to three times a week now. I was doing it off and on for the past year…Alright fine, more off than on, but I’ve hit the gym hard for the past three months trying to get back in shape. The looks I got at the gym when I first went there were owl-wide eyes just full of shock and surprise. I started going with my friend Ai Muto back when she lived in Kashima, but she’s off in Russia so now I go alone. By the way, I highly recommend that if you want to join a gym in Japan to bring someone fluent in both English and Japanese because you can get price jacked without someone there to help you.

When Ai left, there was no buffer between me and the pointed looks from the people in the gym. I felt seriously self conscious because I was one of the few heavier set ladies going there. But the worst experience by far was when one guy about a year or so ago just watched me do my entire workout without even bothering to pretend to workout himself, which was highly uncomfortable. Over time, I built up a nice repertoire with the staff and regular attenders, so things like that don’t happen as much anymore. The staff people actually go over and talk to people so they’ll stop gawking at me, which is really sweet of them. Just recently I got up the gumption to try the specialized classes, like Zumba, Body Combat, and Hip Hop, and I’ve got to say that’s really helped to kill some of my kind of “mystique” and bring me down to a more approachable level for the gym goers. No one looks great after they’ve endured an hour of Body Combat, they just don’t, and you gain a sense of camaraderie for having survived it.

As an Ayame Musume I get even more recognition because of the posters around town and the Ayame Matsuri (Iris Festival) events. People all over the country come to the park, as in all the way from Hokkaido and Kansai for this event, so I’ve actually been featured on more than a few blogs. Luckily, though, I’ve yet to reach the unfortunate celebrity statues case where I have a stalker come to the park and take pictures of just me like some of the other Musume have. I have, however, had my tush pinched more than once by some random old man who drank one too many beers and doesn’t realize that my threshold for violence is something they don’t want to test. I have my American moments, and they usually come out in forceful bursts. Unfortunately, my job is to just smile and bear it.

However, I will admit that I sometimes abuse my foreign features and celebrity status to my advantage. I have been back to that sweets shop specifically because of the ichigomochi and the fact that almost every time I’ve been back I got a free one. The attention can be nice in small doses, too, and rather flattering. In America I was a kind of “plain Jane” character, but in Japan I’m a little bit exotic, in a way. I am not really a fantastic beauty by either country’s standards, but I don’t really want to be one anyway. Too much effort, mendokusai. Yet in Japan I stand out whereas in the U.S. I just blended in, and sometimes I miss the ability to be a wallflower, the small town celebrity status shoved me into the spotlight and challenged me into this new role. Although college helped to kill most of my ability to be shy, now I’m hardly ever shy around anyone (the biggest exception being an attractive men in a nice suit). In Japan I’ve really come out of my shell, and I owe it to this city for helping me to gain a new found confidence, even though it can be a small pain sometimes to handle it, it’s all a part of the living abroad experience.